Figure 2-3.Knife stripping.
Locally Made Hot-Blade Wire Stripper
If you are required to strip a large number of wires, you can use a locally made hot-blade stripper
(figure 2-4) as follows:
Figure 2-4.Locally made hot-blade stripper.
1. In the end of a piece of copper strip, cut a sharp-edged "V." At the bottom of the "V," make a
wire slot of suitable diameter for the size wire to be stripped.
2. Fasten the copper strip around the heating element of an electric soldering iron as shown in
figure 2-4. The iron must be rated at 100 watts or greater in order to transfer enough heat to the
copper strip to melt the wire insulation.
3. Lay the wire or cable to be stripped in the "V"; a clean channel will be melted in the insulation.