Aluminum Terminals and SplicesAluminum terminals and splices are noninsulated and very
difficult to use. Some of the things you should remember when working with aluminum wire are: (1)
Never attempt to clean the aluminum wire. There is a petroleum abrasive compound in the terminal lug or
splice that automatically cleans the wire. (2) The only tools that should be used for the crimping operation
are the power crimping type. (3) Never use lock washers next to aluminum terminal lugs as they will
gouge out the tinned area and increase deterioration.
Preinsulated Copper Terminal Lugs and SplicesThe most common method of terminating and
splicing copper wires is with the use of preinsulated terminal lugs and splices. Besides not having to
insulate the terminal or splice after the crimping operation, the other advantage of this type is that it gives
extra wire insulation support. Several types of crimping tools can be used for these types of terminals and
splices. The tool varies with the size of the terminal or splice. Preinsulated terminal lugs and splices are
color coded to indicate the wire size they are to be used with.