ADDEND A number to be added to an augend.
ADDITION A form of counting where on quantity is added to another.
AND GATE A logic circuit in which all inputs must be HIGH to produce a HIGH output.
ASSOCIATIVE LAW A simple equality statement A(BC) = ABC or A+(B+C) = A+B+C.
AUGEND A number to which another number is to be added.
BASE The number of symbols used in the particular number system.
BCD (BINARY CODED DECIMAL) A method of using binary digits to represent the decimal digits 0 through
BINARY SYSTEM The base 2 number system using 0 and 1 as the symbols.
BOOLEAN ALGEBRA A mathematical concept based on the assumption that most quantities have two possible
conditions TRUE and FALSE.
BOOLEAN EXPRESSION A description of the input or output conditions of a logic gate.
BORROW To transfer a digit (equal to the base of the number system) from the next higher order column for the
purpose of subtraction.
CARRY A carry is produced when the sum of two or more numbers in a vertical column equals or exceeds the
base of the number system in use.
CLOCK A circuit that generates timing control signals in a computer or other type of digital equipment.
COMMUTATIVE LAW The order in which terms are written does not affect their value; AB = BA, A+B =
COMPATIBILITY The feature of logic families that allows interconnection of circuits without the need for
additional circuitry.
COMPLEMENT Something used to complete something else.
COMPLEMENTARY LAW A term ANDed with its complement is 0, and a term ORed with its complement is
1; A A = 0, A + A = 1.
CONVERSION To change a number in one base to its equivalent in another base.
COUNTER A device that counts.
D FLIP-FLOP Stores the data bit (D) in conjunction with the clock input.
DECADE COUNTER Counter from 0 to 1010 in base 2, then resets.
DECIMAL POINT The radix point for the decimal system.