This module presents the combined glossaries from modules 1 through 18, the primary texts in the
NEETS series. Definitions of terms used in NEETS are presented in an alphabetical glossary. Numbers in
parenthesis ( ) indicate more than one definition for the same term. Numbers in brackets [ ] indicate the
module number in which more information about the term may be found.
ABSORPTION(1) Dissipation of radio or sound waves as they interact with matter. (2) The absorbing of
light waves without reflection or refraction [10].
ABSORPTION, LAW OFIn Boolean algebra, the law which states that the odd term will be absorbed
when a term is combined by logical multiplication with the logical sum of that term and another term,
or when a term is combined by logical addition with the logical product of one term and another term
(for example, A(A + B) = A + AB = A) [13].
ABSORPTION WAVEMETERAn instrument used to measure audio frequencies [16].
ACCELERATING ANODEAn electrode charged several thousand volts positive and used to accelerate
electrons toward the front of a cathode-ray tube [6].
ACCELERATION SERVOSYSTEMA servosystem that controls the acceleration (rate of change in
velocity) of a load [15].
ACCELEROMETERA device that measures the acceleration to which it is subjected and develops a
signal proportional to it [15].
ACCEPTOR IMPURITYAn impurity which, when added to a semiconductor, accepts one electron from
a neighboring atom and creates a hole in the lattice structure of the crystal. Also called TRIVALENT
ACORN TUBEA very small tube with closely spaced electrodes and no base. The tube is connected to its
circuits by short wire pins that are sealed in a glass or ceramic envelope. The acorn tube is used in low-
power uhf circuits [6].
ACOUSTICSThe science of sound [10].
ACQUISITIONOperational phase of a fire-control or track radar during which the radar system searches
a small volume of space in a prearranged pattern [18].
ACTIVE SATELLITEA satellite that amplifies the received signal and retransmits it back to earth [17].
ACTUATORThe part of a switch that is acted upon to cause the switch to change contact connections;
for example, toggle, pushbutton, and rocker [3].
AFDSAn abbreviation for the amphibious flagship data system [17].
AIR-CONTROL PANELPanel that monitors the dry-air input at each user equipment [18].