2-64. Of the following terms, which one is
defined as the ability of an electronic
system to perform its individual
functions without interference?
1. Electronic countermeasures
2. Electromagnetic interference
3. Electromagnetic compatibility
4. Electronic counter-countermeasures
2-65. The sources of electromagnetic
radiations that reduce receiver
performance are known by which of the
following terms?
1. Electronic countermeasures
2. Electromagnetic interference
3. Electromagnetic compatibility
4. Electronic counter-countermeasures
2-66. Which of the following categories of
electromagnetic interference includes
interference generated by electrically
charged raindrops?
1. Natural
2. Functional
3. Incidental
4. Hull-generated
2-67. Cross modulation is a form of emi where
the desired carrier intermodulates with an
undesired signal. Which of the following
devices should minimize this
1. Filters
2. Preselectors
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Preamplifiers
2-68. Shipboard receive systems are designed
to include protective circuitry between
the antenna and the receiver that prevent
which of the following problems?
1. Degradation of overall receiver
performance by processing of off-
frequency signals
2. Decrease of desired signal
3. Burn out of front-end stages
4. Each of the above
2-69. Of the following body organs, which are
considered the most vulnerable to
radiation hazards (RADHAZ)?
1. Eyes and testes
2. Heart and lungs
3. Liver and spleen
4. Kidneys and brain
2-70. Which of the following methods of
reducing rf burn hazards is the most
useful and widespread technique used?
1. Operate receivers only
2. Vary the operating frequency
3. Bond and ground all metallic objects
4. Operate transmitters only at low
2-71. The greatest hazard from thermal effects
appears to come from equipment
operated in which of the following
frequency ranges?
1. 1 to 3 gigahertz
2. 2 to 30 megahertz
3. 30 to 300 kilohertz
4. 225 to 500 megahertz