20. Explain what happens when the rotor leads on a synchro transmitter or receiver are reversed.
21. State the purposes of differential synchros.
22. Name the two types of differential synchros and give a brief explanation of each.
23. Explain the difference between the torque differential transmitter and the torque differential
24. Name the components that make up the TDX and the TDR synchro systems.
25. Explain how the two differential synchro systems add and subtract.
26. State the wiring changes required to convert the differential synchro systems from subtraction to
27. State the purposes and functions of control synchros.
28. Name the different types of control synchros.
29. Explain how the CX and CDX differ from the TX and TDX.
30. Explain the theory and operation of a control transformer.
31. List the basic components that compose a control synchro system.
32. Explain the operation of a control synchro system and how it is used to control a servo system.
33. State the purpose and function of the synchro capacitor.
34. Explain how synchro capacitors improve the accuracy of synchro systems.
35. Explain the method used to connect synchro capacitors in a circuit.
36. Define single and multispeed synchro systems.
37. State the purposes and functions of multispeed synchro systems.
38. Stale the purposes for zeroing synchros.
39. Name three common synchro zeroing methods and give a brief explanation of each.
40. Explain the different troubleshooting techniques used in isolating synchro malfunctions and
Synchros play a very important role in the operation of Navy equipment. Synchros are found in just
about every weapon system, communication system, underwater detection system, and navigation system
used in the Navy. The importance of synchros is sometimes taken lightly because of their low failure rate.
However, the technician who understands the theory of operation and the alignment procedures for
synchros is well ahead of the problem when a malfunction does occur. The term "synchro" is an
abbreviation of the word "synchronous." It is the name given to a variety of rotary, electromechanical,
position-sensing devices. Figure 1-1 shows a phantom view of typical synchro. A synchro resembles a