3-11. What transmission-line loss is caused by
magnetic lines of force not returning to the
1. Copper
2. Radiation
3. Induction
4. Dielectric
3-12. What is the electrical wave-length of 1
cycle if the frequency is 60 hertz?
1. 125,000 meters
2. 1,250,000 meters
3. 5,000,000 meters
4. 20,000,000 meters
3-13. A transmission line 10 meters in length is
considered to be electrically long at which
of the following frequencies?
1. 60 kilohertz
2. 600 kilohertz
3. 6 megahertz
4. 60 megahertz
3-14. The conductance value of a transmission
line represents which of the following
1. Expected value of current flow through
the insulation
2. Expected value of voltage supplied by
the transmitter
3. Value of the lump and distributed
constants of the line divided by
4. Value of the lump and distributed
constants of the line divided by
3-15. Electrical constants in a transmission line
are distributed in which of the following
1. Into a single device
2. Along the length of the line
3. According to the thickness of the line
4. According to the cross-sectional area
of the line
3-16. Leakage current in a two-wire
transmission line is the current that flows
through what component?
1. The resistor
2. The inductor
3. The insulator
4. The conductor
3-17. Conductance is the reciprocal of what
electrical property?
1. Inductance
2. Resistance
3. Capacitance
4. Reciprocity
3-18. A transmission line that has current
flowing through it has which, if any, of the
following fields about it?
1. Electric field only
2. Magnetic field only
3. Both electric and magnetic fields
4. None of the above
3-19. Maximum transfer of energy from the
source to the transmission line takes place
when what impedance relationship exists
between the source and the transmission
1. When the load impedance equals
source impedance
2. When the load impedance is twice the
source impedance
3. When the load impedance is half the
source impedance
4. When the load impedance is one-fourth
the source impedance
3-20. The characteristic impedance (Z0) of a
transmission line is calculated by using
which of the following ratios?
1. Rs to Rload of the line
2. Imax to Imin at every point along the line
3. E to I at every point along the line
4. Ein to Eo of the line