Figure 1-17.Hot-wire meter movement.
The thermocouple meter consists of a resistance wire across the meter terminals, which heats in
proportion to the amount of current. (See fig. 1-18.) Attached to this wire is a small thermocouple
junction of two unlike metal wires, which connect across a very sensitive dc meter movement (usually a
dArsonval meter movement). As the current being measured heats the heating resistor, a small current
(through the thermocouple wires and the meter movement) is generated by the thermocouple junction.
The current being measured flows through only the resistance wire, not through the meter movement
itself. The pointer turns in proportion to the amount of heat generated by the resistance wire.
Figure 1-18.A thermocouple meter.
Q18. List three meter movements that can measure either ac or dc without the use of a rectifier.
Q19. What electrical property is used by all the meter movements discussed so far?
An ammeter is a device that measures current. Since all meter movements have resistance, a resistor
will be used to represent a meter in the following explanations. Direct current circuits will be used for
simplicity of explanation.