The bistable multivibrator is also known as a FLIP-FLOP. The two inputs are SET and CLEAR. The
two outputs are "1" and "0." A trigger pulse on the set input will cause the "1" output (negative or positive
voltage depending on the type transistor used). At the same time the "0" output will equal 0 volts. This is
the SET state.
A CLEAR STATE of a flip-flop exists when the "1" output measures low voltage (or 0 volts) and
the "0" output is high voltage. The flip-flop will flop to the CLEAR state only upon application of a
trigger pulse to the CLEAR (C) input.
There is a third lead on some flip-flops. This lead is the TOGGLE (T) input. Every time a trigger
pulse is applied to the (T) input, the flip-flop will change states.